Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's All In A Name

We all have heard the numerous names used to represent our Lord and Savior...

And there are many more!!!!!
But what about His names for us. I thought about this on my way to work this morning. Not only do we have so many names to describe His greatness, He also has names to describe us.
Holy (separate)
Son or Daughter
Prince or Princess
The Body
and my most favorite...CHOSEN
I am CHOSEN by the One who fills the shoes of more names than we could ever mention. He chose me!!!
This just warmed my heart this morning and I had to share!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy 2015

Ok so I'm running a little late with this but then again don't I ALWAYS run late!!! I suppose it is hereditary as I sit here at 9:40 on Sunday evening watching my daughter just now starting her homework. We had an awesome service this morning at church. We discussed the fruit of the spirit, and how we should produce more fruit. With that being said here is my New Years resolutions for 2015...

#1 produce more fruit
#2 take more breaks in life (tonight's sermon) 
#3 participate in WWIW on The Pleated Poppy
#4 cook more
#5 eat as a family 
#6 spend more time with God
#7 be more of a servant
#8 Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover 

Notice "lose weight" is not included...since it has been on my past 20 resolutions, I though I'd just skip a year and see what happens.